Donnini Riccardo
Milan unit
+39 02 6617 3365
Graduated in 2005 in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rome TorVergata, he obtained a PhD in Materials Engineering in 2008, dealing with the thesis “Metal Matrix Composites: structure and technologies”. He was post-doc at the aforesaid university and since 2012 he is researcher in CNR-ICMATE, unit of Milan.
He is focused to the damage/deformation mechanisms in metallic materials and the associated chemical-physics phenomena, particularly for high temperature applications and manufacturing industry (e.g. nickel-based superalloys, stainless steels, cat irons, metal matrix composites). The research activities regard the materials behavior under high temperature fatigue and stress relaxation solicitations with also microstructural analysis by microscopy and diffraction techniques. By X-ray diffraction skills he expanded collaborations also to no-metallic materials (e.g. biodegradable polymer) and electrochemical applications.
He is also expert evaluator for CNR of industrial proposals in different frames of the Italian Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy MIMIT (ex-MISE). He is supervisor and co-supervisor of PhD theses and degree theses.
He is active member of the Italian Association of Metallurgy (AIM), in the Technical Committees of “Metals Physics and Materials Science” (of which vice-president), “Products control and characterization” and “Heat Treatments and Metallography”. At AIM he is also involved as speaker and/or organizer in several events and high-level formation courses.
In CNR-ICMATE he is active on the scientific dissemination and communication, by the direct participation to relative projects for the citizens outreach and to the Communication Group of the institute as reference/contact person for the editorial part.