Visita delegazione dalla Yanshan University(Cina)

Lingua Italiana
Dopo l’Agreement for Intended Cooperation fra CNR-ICMATE e la School of Mechanical Engineering, firmato nel 2023 dal Direttore Dr. Maria Losurdo ed il Dean Prof. Yan Peng, che ha permesso la mobilità della ricercatrice Dr Ling Kong e dello studente di dottorato Mr. Lun Fu in ICMATE Milano nel 2023 e 2024, continua la collaborazione fra ICMATE Milano e la Yanshan University.
Il 27 novembre 2024 una delegazione dalla Yanshan University è venuta in visita all’ICMATE Milano, composta dal Rettore della Yanshan University, Prof. ZHAO Dingxuan, il Dean della School of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. PENG Yan, il Vice Dean della School of Electrical Engineering, Prof. LIU Shuang, ed il Direttore del Office of International Cooperation, Prof. LU Jun. Dopo un incontro per il recap delle attività di ricerca comuni e dei potenziali punti di convergenza per future collaborazioni, la delegazione ha visitato i laboratori di prove meccaniche (creep, rilassamento, trazioni, fatica oligociclica e termomeccanica) per le leghe innovative per applicazioni industriali.
English language
After the Agreement for Intended Cooperation between CNR-ICMATE and the School of Mechanical Engineering, signed by the Director Dr. Maria Losurdo and the Dean Prof. Yan Peng, which allowed the mobility of the researcher Dr Ling Kong and the student Mr. Lun Fu‘s doctorate in ICMATE Milan in 2023 and 2024, the collaboration between ICMATE Milan and Yanshan University continues.
On November 27, 2024, a delegation from Yanshan University came to visit ICMATE Milan, composed of the Rector of Yanshan University, Prof. ZHAO Dingxuan, the Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. PENG Yan, the Vice Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Prof. LIU Shuang, and the Director of the Office of International Cooperation, Prof. LU Jun. After a meeting to review common research activities and potential points of convergence for future collaborations, the delegation visited the mechanical testing laboratories (creep, relaxation, traction, low-cycle and thermomechanical fatigue) for innovative alloys for industrial applications.