Galenda Alessandro
Padua headquarters
Phone+39 049 829 5942
Alessandro Galenda received the degree in Industrial Chemistry (110/110 cum laude) in 2004 at the University of Padova and his Ph.D. degree in Molecular Sciences (curriculum: Chemical Sciences) in 2008, at the University of Padova. From 2008 to 2011 he worked as research fellow at University of Padova, and since 2011 he is researcher at the ICMATE-CNR of Padova.
He works on material chemistry and surface chemistry, carrying out synthesis and characterization of powder-based or thin film-based materials for functional applications. He is skilled in green synthesis by wet methods as well as by chemical deposition techniques on different substrates. He is particularly interested in environmental issues and, in detail, in water remediation from emerging and persistent pollutants by photocatalytic or plasma-assisted processes.
He works on several national and international scientific projects and technology transfer activities.